Entry requirements
Getting good basic qualifications is the first step towards becoming an early years teacher and to be offered a course place you must meet the following entry requirements. If you have any questions about the requirements below contact at professionalcourseadmissions@brighton.ac.uk.
Degree or equivalent
A degree (300 HE credit points of which 60 must be at level 6) from a UK higher education institution, or equivalent qualification.
Minimum grade C in English language, mathematics and a science. If you do not meet the GCSE requirements, we can offer an equivalence test; contact us for details.
Employed in a setting working with young children which complies with the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework in England.
Before starting the course, you will need:
- a signed employer partnership agreement
- to take part in a rigorous selection process designed to assess your suitability to teach
- an enhanced DBS Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check certificate
We are committed to . As part of our selection and interview process, we will undertake additional checks to confirm the suitability of candidates.
Employer partnership agreement
Your employer needs to sign a partnership agreement, which states that they agree to support you during your period of training. This is a condition of the offer we make – you cannot start until we have received the signed agreement. Your employer will receive a £7,000 financial incentive to support you during this period. This is to cover, for example, supply cover costs to enable you to engage with training and placements.